+996 312 62-53-13 (2361, 2362, 2363, 2364) admin@zakupki.gov.kg
number 241212894941 Name of companyБукабаев Мирбек Канатбекович Type of procurementwork purchase NameКапитальный ремонт здании Лицея №17
procurement method???UNLIMITED??? (???TWO_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED???) Planned amount1,000,000 Date published12.12.2024 15:27 Bids Submission Deadline26.12.2024 13:33
number 241212895593 Name of companyУчреждение "Чуйский областной медиацентр" Type of procurementGoods purchase Nameда нет неограниченный
procurement method???UNLIMITED??? (???TWO_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED???) Planned amount200,000 Date published12.12.2024 15:04 Bids Submission Deadline27.12.2024 09:00
number 241210890277 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementservices purchase NameЗапрос котировок(услуга) Приобретение
procurement method???REQUEST_FOR_QUOTATION??? Planned amount169,000 Date published10.12.2024 15:15 Bids Submission Deadline27.12.2024 15:23
number 241210894224 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementConsulting services purchase Nameqweqwe
procurement methodSelection Consultants' Qualifications (Short List) Planned amount*** Date published10.12.2024 15:05 Bids Submission Deadline20.12.2024 15:04
number 241206893404 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementGoods purchase NameПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ OTBOR
procurement method???REQUEST_FOR_QUOTATION??? Planned amount50,000 Date published06.12.2024 12:21 Bids Submission Deadline11.12.2024 13:18
number 241204890741 Name of companyАламединская государственная районная администрация Type of procurementGoods purchase NameПриобритение орг техники и шин
procurement method???REQUEST_FOR_QUOTATION??? Planned amount1,480,300 Date published04.12.2024 16:30 Bids Submission Deadline10.10.2024 09:00
number 241204890404 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementConsulting services purchase NameИЗ ОДНОГО ИСТОЧНИКА(ТЕСТ)
procurement methodSelection by the direct conclusion of the contract Planned amount100,000 Date published04.12.2024 14:28 Bids Submission Deadline13.10.2024 14:25
number 241203889903 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementConsulting services purchase Nametest iz odnogo consull
procurement methodSelection by the direct conclusion of the contract Planned amount69,000 Date published03.12.2024 15:46 Bids Submission Deadline06.12.2024 15:18
number 241127885293 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementGoods purchase Nametesttwopackage
procurement method???UNLIMITED??? (???TWO_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED???) Planned amount169,000 Date published27.11.2024 15:29 Bids Submission Deadline11.12.2024 16:21
number 241127885145 Name of companyКегетинский айыл окмоту Type of procurementConsulting services purchase Nametesterconsull1
procurement methodQualification and cost selection (Short List) Planned amount*** Date published27.11.2024 11:09 Bids Submission Deadline27.12.2024 10:59